Eli Hason

Eli Hason

Some of my earliest memories are of recording sounds off the radio onto cassette tapes, and learning editing with the double cassette deck on my boom box. My life has been full of recording, creating, and sharing my own filter of sound through field recording trips around the world, getting folks dancing through my DJ sets, creating new galaxies of sound in games, or setting off into dreamland with my electronic compositions. My work in being a sound designer for the game industry has been inspired by the enjoyment and excitement I felt when playing on early consoles, and the many nights spent at the arcades of my youth. When I began working in the industry I enjoyed the challenge of making audio systems work across many platforms with so much localization, and saw the technical challenges as my new holy grail. I have always enjoyed the way I heard the sound signatures of games, and getting to work on asset creation for Sonic Boom : The Rise of Lyric was a treat after having the soundscape in my head for decades.  Projects include; Underworld Ascendant, Sonic Boom: The Rise of Lyric, Thief, WET, Naughty Bear, MySims Skyheros, Silent Hill: Homecoming, The Golden Compass